Saki & B, also known as Saki & Bitches is a Japanese artist based in East London. Originally a make-up artist, she relocated from a temporary stint in New York to the East End in 2009 and soon started painting her renowned Bitches on the streets.

Over the past six years Saki has worked predominantly in the studio where she has refined her painting and drawing styles which betray her lack of formal training. Her overtly sexual and provocative imagery seemed to have various abstract meanings, until the Me Too movement triggered an epiphany resulting in a new found understand of the work she creates.

In this fascinating chat we talk about how Saki’s rebellious streak led her away from Tokyo and into street art and how art became an important part of her healing process from past traumas. We talk about her recent solo show as a move into a new direction and how she overcomes her shyness to paint nude self portraits.

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